Education for a Healthier and Sustainable
Agriculture Development
Community-based Market
A project by Dona Nalaka Daundaratne. BSc, MAg
“Unity market” is a project to promote and build small marketplaces within the communities where a reasonable price for both producers and consumers would receive. Uniquely, these markets are completely self-governed by a committee of members of same community focusing on food security, food safety, business development and, basically, to lower or eliminate hunger in a rural or underprivileged regions. Part of the NANURA is to help establishing these governing bodies and educating them about Agricultural needs, resource allocation, conducting surveillance to identify reaching people with food insecurity, etc. This centre not only act as economical centre but also as social aid provider in settings where no systematic sufficient support if available.
For example, a small producer with two cattle, and two goats and few chicken would have limited places to sell their milk, eggs, curd, and other products daily basis in these communities. So, there is a ongoing risk of wasting the produce in most instances. Here, the Let’s Share team will interfere and assess all possible best solution. If however, the selling needs are not met within the community, this team will coordinate between buyers from different cities and regions. At the same time, they would advise members of any modifications or improvements that to be made to reach the respective markets. For and instance, a cow on average makes 20-22L of milk per day, since its shelf life is short and lack of resources as refrigerators for transport, they might be directed to make curd, given the demand, and able to have longer shelf-life and better profit. So, this coordinated support given to the small farmers will help to build profit, and societal benefits. Then, Dona Nalaka Daundaratne, Jemegwa Malabe and team also encourages these cooperative organizations to develop plans to identify people facing food scarcity and disabilities and work on sub-projects to donate food and cooked meals with the help of volunteers from and out of community.
Elements of Agricultural guidelines, fundamental business skill and promoting continuous education are mostly integrated with WEI program and motivation building and identifying barriers process.
News Feed
Sustainable Farming
What is ‘sustainable farming’? Since ages, the stability of life on earth, in connection to our impact over it, is determined by the quality of maintained balance between us and nature, and the corresponding environmental responses. Basically, our deeds decide the fate of our lives, state at present, safety of future, and consequential health of Mother-nature and vice-versa. In relation, sustainable agriculture is following sound and eco-friendly farming practices as a continuum in a productive and a beneficial manner for self, communities, and health of ecosystems. Importantly, resulting outcomes should not incur harm or negatively impact on both current and future generations regarding wellbeing, continuity, and safety of life. By Dona Nalaka Daundaratne
Cattle Farming Fundamentals
With proper knowledge, planning, and healthy practices, raising cattle alone or preferably with variety of animals can be highly productive, profitable, and beneficial in numerous ways. For example, they provide milk, beef, butter, cheese, leather, fertilizers, helps to plow to prepare ground for cultivation